5 Ways to Organize Your Coupon Binder

  1. Alphabetically by Brand Name : Organize your coupon binder from A-Z.
    Upside: Easy to find
    Downside: Hard to keep track of coupon expiry date
  2. Month & Expiry : Organize your coupon binder by month and put coupons in order of expiry.
    Upside: Easy to find
    Downside: Hard to keep track of which coupons you own
  3. Categories :  Organize your coupon binder by categories such as Paper Products, Kids and Baby Items, Pets and etc.
    Upside: Easy to find deals when you are in store – for example, if you are in the dog food aisle, simply flip to that section and all of your coupons will be displayed for you
    Downside: Hard to keep track of coupon expiry

    TIP: Why not combine options to create a system that works for you? For example, combine option #4 and option #2. You will end up with 2 separate binders, one with coupons you intend to use and one with coupons meant for trading. Each coupon binder is organized by month and expiry.

  4. Separate Binders : Keep one binder for items you will use and another binder with coupons you intend to trade
    Upside: Less coupon clutter
    Downside: If you leave your trading coupon binder at home when you shop you could miss out on great in store deals
  5. Type of Coupon : Organize your coupon binder by the type of coupon it is – FPC (Free product coupon), BOGO (Buy one get one free)
    Upside: Great coupons are easy to find
    Downside: Hard to keep track of which regular coupons you have and expiry dates

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About Marsha

Marsha is happily married to the love of her life. She is a stay-at-home mom who enjoys being creative both online & offline.