Websaver announced two changes last night. You can read the whole dealio here . Here is the summary:
Websaver is allowing you to save your coupons when you do not have the minimum requirement of 4 coupons to place your order . In the past if you found a great coupon but didn’t meat the minimum requirements, you were unable to place your order and missed out on your coupon.
The stipulations:
- When you meet the minimum requirement of four you
check out.
- Coupons can only be saved for up to two coupon pushes (approximately one month).
- Saved coupons are locked in to your saved cart. You cannot remove them.
Websaver has also told us they are scheduling new coupons twice a month! Nice!
Websaver now allows you to print select coupons . Want to see this new feature in action? Check out our latest video ! =)